If you have ever visited my portfolio before, you can tell this is an overhaul. I’m in the process of theme changes, hacking my way through WordPress again and discovering all the cool things that have become standard in this CMS over the last
4 years of living with the same hacked-up theme. (Which I loved and you can download from WP Shower).
I’ve been doing information graphics and data visualization work now for close to five years, first in economics at a university and now for a non-profit research org in Washington DC. It’s evolved from making charts and graphs for economic analysis print reports to a wide variety of static, interactive, and layered data visualization projects at my current day job, plus the occasional motion graphic.
I’ve also learned a lot of things about producing information graphics for data journalism, survey research, and statistical analysis using tool fairly standard to graphic design and available to the everyday person. And I’ve went through the painstaking process of finding some of the bugs and workarounds in programs like Illustrator and Motion that may be helpful to other people.
My goal over the next few months is to put together a series of tutorials about creating static information graphics, from simple to complex, using tools like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and creating narrative motion graphics using tools like Apple Motion (though not as robust as Adobe After Effects, it’s only $50 through the Apple store…). And hopefully this new layout and myself working on being motivated engaged in the graphics communities online and elsewhere will provide some kind of helpful tool to someone else.