Side Note: Four Baby Quilts in One Year

As with most people in their mid-to-late twenties, it seems like every other week, I hear about someone I know from college or life having a baby.

The thing that I love second to my good friends having babies is that it gives me a chance to make a baby-sized quilt for said baby.  Baby quilts are great because they are small (so they take less fabric and time) and you have an excellent excuse to use fabric was adorable animals.  Everyone wins!

As I have made four of these baby quilts over the last year, with numbers five and six on their way, I thought I’d share how they turned out:

1. Emmanuelle

(I have misplaced the link to the pattern I used for this quilt.  I’m going to find it!)

2. Jonathan

All I hIMG_6397ave is a crappy photo I took in the dark (this was a sort of quick turn around). Pattern from Project 12 Quilts.  They didn’t find out until he arrived whether it was a boy or a girl, so the fabric is gender neutral, in greens and yellows.  The back and some of the pinwheels include little jungle animals.




 3. Stephen

Same pattern as above, but with a theme for a tiny guy.

4. Baby Ephraim de Rios

My awesome college roommate is having a baby in < month’s time (very exciting!). This zig zag pattern is from The Purl Bee. I added the stripe on the back with scraps from the orange on the front and added the two borders around the top.  

There will be two more of these guys before the year is out: another great from college is having a baby in January and another friend sometime after that!

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